Showing posts with label Launcher total v1.0.1 (Unblocked) - apk android. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Launcher total v1.0.1 (Unblocked) - apk android. Show all posts

It requires: 4.0.3+

Description: Finally the new one ssLauncher comes!

Launcher total is the next generation of ssLauncher and also it includes the great characteristics of qLauncher.

Launcher total is the best program of customized beginning in Android. By all means, still it is fast, light and easy to use.

Do you like home simple? It uses this.

Would it like a beautiful house? It uses this.

Does it like an intelligent house? It uses this.

There isn't a thrower of home that wishes? That it is with this.

What you want for the home, that is everything.

I would like to say to you a single phrase.

“Maintain it beaten to publish it”

You can personalize it, be that as it may.

Characteristics Paid altogether Launcher:

1. The 6 more page or addition of.

2. Gestures.

3. To open to a window or folder from other applications.

4. Some options and almost options that will be added in the future.

What has again


- New animation Adds to a page: “to turn around the page”

- Addition new options for the page animations: “duration” and “effect”

- Addition “Applications for the plate count” option in the behavior

- API added for package of icons. (By developer subject)

- Corrected some errors

This application does not have announcements



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